
Izvedena spletna delavnica Branje patentne dokumentacije za Raziskovalce UM

9. marca smo sodelavci Službe za prenos znanja in tehnologij Univerze v Mariboru izvedli spletno delavnico za raziskovalce UM, kjer so se spoznali z javno dostopno dokumentacijo: strukturo in vsebino patentne prijave na URSIL, strukturo in vsebino patentne prijave na EPO, uradnega poročila o poizvedbi Evropskega patentnega urada, uradnega poročila o mnenju Evropskega patentnega urada, primeri korespondence med uradom in zastopniki med postopkom. Opredelili smo kaj je intelektualna lastnina, na katere pravice se deli in kaj so osnovne značilnosti patenta.…

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Innovative method for preparation of functionalized superparamagnetic adsorbents with precursor trimethoxy (3,3,3-trifluoropropyl) silane (F-TriMOS)

Classical methods of cleaning oil spills do not give satisfactory results in removing the oil from the water, but functionalized nanomaterials show high potential to become a cost-effective, efficient, and environmentally friendly solution. Among the existing methods of cleaning oil stains from water, the use of various adsorptive materials, such as silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide and aluminum oxide are present. These materials are non-biodegradable and represent a high risk of secondary pollution. The invention of researchers at the…

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A connection element for connecting glass to timber

The research field of timber-glass composites has become a dynamic segment of modern building construction where technical solutions are being developed and new applications defined. The existing timber-glass composites reach from timber-glass beams to timber-glass floor/roof panels and also to timber-glass wall panels. In order to join glass and timber with self-tapping screws, an additional structural element is needed to transfer the screw forces to the glass in a way that the stresses in the glass are held at low…

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START:IP Matching Day

Sodelavca Službe za prenos znanja in tehnologij Univerze v Mariboru in raziskovalci Fakultete za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo UM ter Fakultete za strojništvo UM smo se v okviru Konzorcija za prenos tehnologij iz JRO v gospodarstvo udeležili dogodka START:IP Matching day, ki se je odvil v četrtek 30. 01. 2020 na Tehniški Univerzi Dunaj. Dogodek je bil organiziran s strani enega najboljših evropskih podjetniških inkubatorjev in sicer IniTS Universitäres Gründservices Wien GmbH. Dogodka smo se udeležili z namenom komercializacije izumov…

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Innovative technology for increased energy efficiency and renewable energy use

High-temperature heating of buildings and industry is identified as one of the most challenges issues at regional and local level due to the high use of non-renewable energy sources and a very low share of renewable energy sources. In order to improve energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources for high-temperature heating of buildings, innovative technical solutions were developed.

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4. prednovoletno srečanje z raziskovalci Univerze Mariboru

Na letošnjem, 4. prednovoletnem srečanju z raziskovalci Univerze Mariboru smo govorili o najodmevnejših dosežkih raziskovalcev univerze preteklem letu ter priložnostih, ki jih prinaša digitalizacija raziskovalcem, gospodarstvenikom, oblikovalcem politik in podpornim institucijam.  Dosežkov je veliko, vsekakor med njimi izstopa zagon prvega superračunalnika na univerzi, kar je pravzaprav predhodnica superračunalnika, ki ga bodo predstavili na mariborskem Inštitutu informacijskih znanosti v prihodnjem letu: “To vsaj za univerzo pomeni začetek nekega novega obdobja, kjer bo našemu okolju in prvenstveno tudi industriji dana možnost, da lahko to izkoristi…

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Method and apparatus broadband microwave stimulation of a heating cavity

Method and apparatus broadband microwave stimulation of a heating cavity The invention makes it easier to determine the optimum operating points. Due to the design of the system, it is possible to perform very large measurements of the frequency spectrum in a short time, which in turn enables the secondary electromagnetic field manipulators to be actively controlled. This advantage increases the likelihood that the system will operate at the best efficiency, which consequently will contribute to a shorter preparation time.…

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Naložbo sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj.