Invented method and device system allow maintenance of particles in suspension with no interference with their structure. The slow mixing in the sensing chamber transforms the highly turbulent flow in a steady unidirectional flow that passes the detection system. Photodiodes detect the average signal additionally carrying the information from the area of maximal detection. The detector forwards the average signal containing additional information on the morphological and physiological characteristics of micro-particles. Applicable in all areas of research, detection, diagnosis and…

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Method and apparatus broadband microwave stimulation of a heating cavity

Method and apparatus broadband microwave stimulation of a heating cavity The invention makes it easier to determine the optimum operating points. Due to the design of the system, it is possible to perform very large measurements of the frequency spectrum in a short time, which in turn enables the secondary electromagnetic field manipulators to be actively controlled. This advantage increases the likelihood that the system will operate at the best efficiency, which consequently will contribute to a shorter preparation time.…

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Selfcleaning Washable Cotton Textiles and its Blendings

Breathable superhidrophobic and oleophobic coating for cotton and cotton-polyester textiles that has inclined angle lower than 10” even after 10 washings. The result is a product with superpowers – we are introducing waterproof cotton, resistant to oil stains. Details about the Technology offer (click) For more information contact Knowledge Transfer Office of the University of Ljubljana.

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Recyclable Flame Retardant Fibres

The invention relates to the preparation of polyamide 6 based on modified caprolactam with various molecules containing phosphorus and nitrogen atoms in the structure. The fire retardancy is achieved in the basic structure and as such, it is more effective and suitable for the preparation of plastics, fireproof woven fabrics and non-woven textiles. Details about the Technology offer (click) For more information contact Knowledge Transfer Office of the University of Ljubljana.

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Ishemic Trainer

The ischemic trainer is a device for muscle strengthening in physiotherapy and sports. Muscles are strained more, while junctions suffer less. It creates more muscles in a shorter period which is essential in rehabilitation period after surgeries. Details about the Technology offer (click) For more information contact Knowledge Transfer Office of the University of Ljubljana.

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Energy autonomous smart window with integrated contactless NFC technology

Energy autonomous smart window with integrated contactless NFC technology The core of the technology is a procedure that enables remote access control and management of smart home windows and doors with the use of a mobile phone, tablet or a web interface. The system has an autonomous power supply, provided with a photovoltaic cell. Alternatively it may be connected to a regular AC power supply. The system consists of a smart window with in-built control electronics and central control unit…

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