Preskočite ovire v biotehnologiji
Seminar organizirata Pisarna za prenos znanja Univerze v Ljubljani in Ljubljanski univerzitetni inkubator pod okriljem letošnjega tekmovanja Rektorjeva nagrada za naj inovacijo.
Seminar organizirata Pisarna za prenos znanja Univerze v Ljubljani in Ljubljanski univerzitetni inkubator pod okriljem letošnjega tekmovanja Rektorjeva nagrada za naj inovacijo.
Ekipa Pisarne za prenos znanja UL v video posnetkih odgovarja na najbolj pogosta vprašanja raziskovalcev Univerze v Ljubljani.
The developed mammalian amniotic membrane homogenate can be used as an antimicrobial agent. The preparation of which runs through a well-determined procedure so that its antibacterial characteristics remain intact.
The drug we have developed inhibits the hydrolysis of acetylcholine in the brain, alleviating symptoms in dogs suffering from canine cognitive impairment, which is dementia-like Alzheimer’s disease.
Ekipa Pisarne za prenos znanja Univerze v Ljubljani je posnela video za raziskovalce in študente, v katerem predstavijo, kdo so in kako jim lahko pomagamo. Poleg tega v videu podajo tudi nekaj idej za krajšanje časa doma med pandemijo koronavirusa. #ostanidoma
The invention relates to the ligand variants with binding affinity for the Fc region of immunoglobulins G.
Hybrid Thermal Apparatus is a hybrid cooling and heating system based on the idea of exploiting the pressure difference of the vapour-compression system.
Breathable superhidrophobic and oleophobic coating for cotton and cotton-polyester textiles that has inclined angle lower than 10” even after 10 washings. The result is a product with superpowers – we are introducing waterproof cotton, resistant to oil stains. Details about the Technology offer (click) For more information contact Knowledge Transfer Office of the University of Ljubljana.
The invention relates to the preparation of polyamide 6 based on modified caprolactam with various molecules containing phosphorus and nitrogen atoms in the structure. The fire retardancy is achieved in the basic structure and as such, it is more effective and suitable for the preparation of plastics, fireproof woven fabrics and non-woven textiles. Details about the Technology offer (click) For more information contact Knowledge Transfer Office of the University of Ljubljana.
The ischemic trainer is a device for muscle strengthening in physiotherapy and sports. Muscles are strained more, while junctions suffer less. It creates more muscles in a shorter period which is essential in rehabilitation period after surgeries. Details about the Technology offer (click) For more information contact Knowledge Transfer Office of the University of Ljubljana.