
New device and process for plasma-treating wood and other lignocellulosic products

The invention provides a device and a related process for the direct plasma treatment of wood and lignocellulosic products irrespective of their thickness. It eliminates the elaborate pre-treatments, such as sanding and applying of a primer, required prior to bonding, gluing, painting… Details about the Technology offer (click) For more information contact Knowledge Transfer Office of the University of Ljubljana.

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Wood coatings based on liquefied wood

The existing commercial wood coatings mainly contain binders on the basis of synthetic resins. Both solvent- or water-borne coatings contain ingredients made from non-renewable resources. Invention consists of the development and characterization of liquefied wood based finishes for wood, a ‘green’ solution from renewable resources. Details about the Technology offer (click) For more information contact Knowledge Transfer Office of the University of Ljubljana.

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Quality multiplier for optoelectronic oscillator

The OEO is a solution for generating high-frequency signals with an ultralow phase noise. However, the electrical oscillator created by the band-pass filter and the feedback loop thereof increases the phase noise by side-modes. We propose a Quality multiplier to increases the selectivity and gain of a related OEO. Details about the Technology offer (click)

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Compact tracking antenna

In the field of tracking of low-Earth-orbit satellites or aerial drones a current design of tracking monopulse antenna has its limitations. We propose a very simple, inexpensive and compact monopulse antenna consisting of a microstrip-patch antenna and a monopole, both inside a single cup. Details about the Technology offer (click)

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New biopesticides for controlling plant pests

Use of the new human and environmentally friendly biopesticides for controlling Colorado potato beetle and Western root cornworm which present the biggest threat to potatoes and maize crops promises protection when currently available biopesticides are no longer active. Details about the Technology offer (click)

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Vabilo na TTO izobraževanje na Univerzi v Ljubljani

Pisarna za prenos znanja Univerze v Ljubljani organizira izobraževalni dogodek za vse zaposlene v Pisarnah za prenos tehnologij in znanja. Obiskal nas bo g. Eladio Crego, Svetovalec pri EFT Consulting, z bogatimi izkušnjami na področju PoC financiranja, in predstavil temo Proof of Concept (PoC) funding – creation and management. Vsi, zaposleni v TTO-jih, torej vljudno vabljeni, da se udeležite predavanja, ki bo v četrtek, 15. 11. 2018, od 10. do 12. ure na Univerzi v Ljubljani, Kongresni trg 12. Predavanje bo potekalo…

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Delavnica »Prenos znanja na področju ved o življenju«

Pisarna za prenos znanja Univerze v Ljubljani skupaj s Kmetijskim inštitutom Slovenije organizira delavnico »Prenos znanja na področju ved o življenju« s poudarkom na pravnem zavarovanju izumov, spodbujanju visokotehnološkega podjetništva in povezovanju z gospodarstvom. Namen delavnice je ozavestiti o pomembnosti industrijske lastnine in opremiti raziskovalce in študente z vsemi potrebnimi informacijami, ki jim bodo pomagale unovčiti njihovo znanje in potencialne inovacije. Kdaj? 6. november 2018, od 9. do 16. ure Kje? Univerza v Ljubljani, Kongresni trg 12, Ljubljana, Zbornična dvorana…

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New method for breeding hybrid plants

The invention relates to innovative method of testing combinig ability of inbred lines. By this method a much larger number of line to line combining abilities can be tested thus overcoming major bottleneck in breeding hybrid varieties. Details about the Technology offer (click)

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