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WEBINAR: First Roving Webinar on WIPO Services and Initiatives, 26. 5. 2020 ob 17h

26. maja, 2020 @ 17:00 - 18:30

Jutri, 26. 5. 2020, med 17:00 in 18:30, bo potekal spletni seminar ”First Roving Webinar on WIPO Services and Initiatives”, s katerim želi World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) raziskovalcem predstaviti storitve in različne podporne iniciative, ki lahko pridejo v poštev pri vašem delu.

Izkušeni strokovnjaki bodo v luči aktualnih razmer spregovorili o zaščiti intelektualne lastnine v mednarodnem okolju po različnih sistemih, razreševanju morebitnih sporov, uporabi podatkovnih baz in dostopanju do storitev, del seminarja pa bo namenjen tudi vprašanjem udeležencev.

Podrobnosti in prijava na seminar sta na voljo preko spletne strani https://www.wipo.int/dcea/en/news/2020/news_0001.html. Zaradi omejenega števila mest je priporočljiva čim prejšnja prijava.


Dodatne informacije o seminarju:

  • Online Roving Seminars, a new initiative with the aim to bring WIPO services and initiatives closer to the stakeholders at a time where many of them are subject to different measures of confinement and restrictions related to the COVID 19 pandemic.
  •  In the course of the Roving Seminars online, WIPO colleagues will introduce through webinars basic features of their respective services (The Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks, the Patent Cooperation Treaty, the Hague system for the International Registration of Industrial Designs, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Global Infrastructure, IP Portal) and refer briefly to some of the measures they have adopted to address the COVID 19 pandemic.  There will be also an occasion for questions and interaction. The total duration of each seminar will not exceed 90 minutes.
  • The first webinar will take place on May 26 at 5 p.m CEST, with the goal to reach out to the stakeholders in Europe, Central Asia and North America.  A second seminar, aimed at stakeholders in Australia and New Zealand, as well as English speaker stakeholders in other countries in Asia-Pacific will follow shortly.  Other seminars will follow in French, Spanish and German.  The information for each seminar will be made available on our webpage soon where you will be able to find the program and other details.


26. maja, 2020
17:00 - 18:30
Naložbo sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj.