Akademija družbenih inovacij
Se želite spoznati z novimi rešitvami gospodarskih in družbenih izzivov? Center Noordung z lokalnimi partnerji vabi na Akademijo družbenih inovacij, ki se bo odvijala v mesecu marcu.
Se želite spoznati z novimi rešitvami gospodarskih in družbenih izzivov? Center Noordung z lokalnimi partnerji vabi na Akademijo družbenih inovacij, ki se bo odvijala v mesecu marcu.
Pisarna za prenos znanja UL je posnela svoj prvi promocijski video tehnologije UL. V videu je predstavljena tehnologija raziskovalca dr. Urbana Rudeža s Fakultete za elektrotehniko ‘Zaščita električnih omrežij’.
This innovation provides in-situ determination of the permeability. Materials are not extracted for measurement, which is very important for fragile materials. The method is non-destructive and non-invasive. The samples can be used afterwards without limitations.
Our technology enhances current face recognition used in mobile devices by employing eye and ear recognition in conjecture to current face recognition techniques.
The invention is a continuous liquid phase supply system for the cryogenic medium with phase separator that supplies the liquid phase to the cutting zone while the separated gaseous phase is used to isolate the flow of the liquid phase and create an inert atmosphere in the rigid cutting zone.
5 ekip odličnih raziskovalcev, 10 mentorskih seans in 2 poletna meseca sta bila potrebna, da je Pisarna za prenos znanja Univerze v Ljubljani s pomočjo Fakultete za farmacijo in odličnega strokovnjaka izvedla serijo mentorskih delavnic Inovator.si?.
The developed mammalian amniotic membrane homogenate can be used as an antimicrobial agent. The preparation of which runs through a well-determined procedure so that its antibacterial characteristics remain intact.
Ekipa Pisarne za prenos znanja Univerze v Ljubljani je posnela video za raziskovalce in študente, v katerem predstavijo, kdo so in kako jim lahko pomagamo. Poleg tega v videu podajo tudi nekaj idej za krajšanje časa doma med pandemijo koronavirusa. #ostanidoma
The invention provides a device and a related process for the direct plasma treatment of wood and lignocellulosic products irrespective of their thickness. It eliminates the elaborate pre-treatments, such as sanding and applying of a primer, required prior to bonding, gluing, painting… Details about the Technology offer (click) For more information contact Knowledge Transfer Office of the University of Ljubljana.
The existing commercial wood coatings mainly contain binders on the basis of synthetic resins. Both solvent- or water-borne coatings contain ingredients made from non-renewable resources. Invention consists of the development and characterization of liquefied wood based finishes for wood, a ‘green’ solution from renewable resources. Details about the Technology offer (click) For more information contact Knowledge Transfer Office of the University of Ljubljana.