InnoStars Awards
Imate podjetniško idejo na področju zdravstva? Že imate prototip ali minimalno izvedljiv izdelek (MVP)? Prijavite se na program InnoStars Awards in pridobite podporo, ki jo potrebujete, da idejo pretvorite v uspešno podjetje.
Imate podjetniško idejo na področju zdravstva? Že imate prototip ali minimalno izvedljiv izdelek (MVP)? Prijavite se na program InnoStars Awards in pridobite podporo, ki jo potrebujete, da idejo pretvorite v uspešno podjetje.
This innovation provides in-situ determination of the permeability. Materials are not extracted for measurement, which is very important for fragile materials. The method is non-destructive and non-invasive. The samples can be used afterwards without limitations.
Our technology enhances current face recognition used in mobile devices by employing eye and ear recognition in conjecture to current face recognition techniques.
The invention is a continuous liquid phase supply system for the cryogenic medium with phase separator that supplies the liquid phase to the cutting zone while the separated gaseous phase is used to isolate the flow of the liquid phase and create an inert atmosphere in the rigid cutting zone.
5 ekip odličnih raziskovalcev, 10 mentorskih seans in 2 poletna meseca sta bila potrebna, da je Pisarna za prenos znanja Univerze v Ljubljani s pomočjo Fakultete za farmacijo in odličnega strokovnjaka izvedla serijo mentorskih delavnic
Ekipa Pisarne za prenos znanja UL v video posnetkih odgovarja na najbolj pogosta vprašanja raziskovalcev Univerze v Ljubljani.
The developed mammalian amniotic membrane homogenate can be used as an antimicrobial agent. The preparation of which runs through a well-determined procedure so that its antibacterial characteristics remain intact.
The drug we have developed inhibits the hydrolysis of acetylcholine in the brain, alleviating symptoms in dogs suffering from canine cognitive impairment, which is dementia-like Alzheimer’s disease.
The invention relates to the ligand variants with binding affinity for the Fc region of immunoglobulins G.
Hybrid Thermal Apparatus is a hybrid cooling and heating system based on the idea of exploiting the pressure difference of the vapour-compression system.